Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Caroling

I had an assignment to photograph a church group that traveled to the homes of parishioners to sing Christmas Carols. Many of the parishioners could not leave their homes because of health reasons.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Bull Run Christmas Light Show

I spent an hour trying to find the right exposure and fumbling around with a tripod to make this image. I also should mention it was very, very cold outside too. The things I do for the love of community photojournalism.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Election Night Leftover

High School Gymnastics

I shoot gymnastics once a year. Last night was my second time ever trying to photograph gymnastics in the poorly lit Stonewall High School High gym. It was a challenge, but I had fun.

Photo Editing with Santa

It's that time of year again.

The John H. White School of Photojounalism: PJ Love

I found this You Tube video of a short speech by John H. White. John has been a staff photographer of the Chicago Sun-Times for many years and he won the Pulitzer Prize for feature photography in 1982. John was also my introduction to the craft of photojournalism. The three semester I spent in his class listening to his insight inspired me to become a photojournalist. I believe that we can trace the legacy of his teaching through many of photojournalist working today. John's message is one of connection. He always reminds his students that we have a responsibility to the people we photograph and that part of being a good photographer was working from the heart. John's instruction goes beyond f-stops and shutter speeds, he taught us how to see, and he helped us make the connection between life and photography.